In 1996, Thrill Jockey Records wrote: "Directions in Music... (featuring) Bundy k. Brown, James Warden and Doug Scharin... (made one album together, consisting of) eight instrumental songs recorded in the Spring of 1996 at IDFUL music in Chicago. Although the sessions were largely engineered by Bundy Brown, all the members of the group took part in the recording process at a variety of levels. Likewise, the songs were composed in the studio, or significantly realized through the recording process. Bundy, James, and Doug began the recording with several musical elements as the "root" of the songs. The "roots " were then taken and collectively developed into the versions presented on the record. The development was a natural result of the groups improvisation stemming from their exploration of texture, rhythm, color, and harmonic interplay." (Parenthesis in the former writing are in place of hard brackets which would not make themselves visible in BBC-code. Also misspellings on the part of Thrill Jockey Records were corrected.) Read more on